Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Not having a computer has been TORTURE. However, the greatest man alive was able to get all my information off my hard drive, so I'm beyond happy with that. Bless you Joe. If anyone knows where to send your Macbook or know of a place/person/thing that could fix it pahleeeese let me know! 

 I've missed bloggin', and with the huge fanbase I've acquired I'm sure y'all miss me too. J to the K. 

I'm currently updating my blog picture as the seasons have changed since the last time I've updated. So excuse the ugliness. I'm going to a Pumpkin Carving party tonight and then going to a friends to watch American Horror Story. Crazy excited about both of these things! 

 Tomorrow I'm going to try and update with some things that have happened over the last 3 months (Good Gracious!) although I'm not promising anything. Still, check back tomorrow. 

- Meg 
So the tragedy of all tragedies has finally happened.... My MacBook has stopped working. I can hear all of you gasp as you read this and I thank you for your concern. I'm hoping all is not lost and I will be able to revive it, and if not at least maybe my hard drive isn't gone because I NEED all my precious pictures of my sweet baby nieces. And if not, I will go into a deep dark depression.
Maybe I'm already there since I have been pinning rooms with dark wall colors. I know this might sound cray,but I kind of want to paint a wall (in my new room! Oh yeah, I found a place to live! Yay!) black. You heard me. It looks awesome in my head but I don't want it to look depressing and i really don't want these new girls that I'll be living with to think I'm a goth, twilight freak. How cute is this room below?

Love it. But the room I'll be staying in is a little small so I don't want it to shrink even more. What do y'all think of small rooms with dark wall colors? Any decorating tips? Have a good weekend!


Oh yeah, I posted this blogpost from my iPhone with the blogger app, which I can't do some things like change font, color, etc. but very convenient in sad times like these!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hey there, I hope you remember me. My name's Meg and I'm really bad at keepin' up with the bloggin'.  But I am here with exciting news! I got a job! 
No lie this is how I felt along with the reaction I got from family/friends/and strangers I told that I am now employed. And while I may be at the bottom of the bottom the fact that I'm getting to work at NBC makes my heart very happy. Now if I could only find a dang apartment! Let's be honest I would love to find a place that looks like it came straight out of Pinterest but that may not happen till I'm 47. So... if you live in D.C. or know anyone in D.C. that needs a roomie, tell them to give this girl a call. 

What else has been happening? Too much. Last weekend I went to see Balkan Beat Box( I had never heard of them before, but seriously the best dance party I've been to in awhile).  Sunday was Father's Day and I miss this guy a lot. 
Blessed to have such an amazing Dad.

And this weekend some friends and myself will be going to RAIN- A Tribute to the Beatles. Preeeety excited about that. I know there has been a whole lot more and not updating often makes me leave out stuff. 

I have had this song on repeat lately, I don't know why but I just can't get enough of it. It makes me want to run, or bike. That little boy is just presh too. 

So for now that is all, but maybe you'll be hearing from me again soon. Until then, have a good week! 


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Advice from a 3 year old

So my niece, Chloe, is a funny little girl. The things that kids say and do amaze me.
I don't know when she started saying this, but when she knew she was about to get in trouble
she would kind of put her hands up, look up at you, and say, "It'll be alright."

And for some reason, that 
It was like she was reassuring you that what 
she was doing wasn't so bad and that there are
worse things in the world that could happen.
And you know what? It is so true. Can I get an 
When I start to get upset/stressed/angry/confused/or 
any other emotion/feeling that I don't like, 
I stop, breathe, and say, "It'll be alright."

So I've kind of taken this on as a life motto
(and I love that I learned it from a 3 year old!) 
Be my guest to take it as well!

The picture above is from Lake Ouachita in Hot Springs, 
my hometown, and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE nothing more
than to be on the lake, with my family AND/OR besties 
and be eating crawfish and drinking a cold beer. 
How ah-mazing does that sound? Pretty darn good, i know. 

I hope everyone has had a fantastic week so far and be sure to check out tomorrow's


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day , Mom! I wish I could come home and give you a big hug, but a shout out on my blog is good too, (right?)  I love and miss you.

Friday, May 11, 2012

 I told you guys yesterday I would post some more pictures 
of my day around D.C. The last picture I think is my favorite! 
Have a good weekend everybody and make sure to give your momma a hug 
and tell her how much you appreciate her! Moms are the best.
  Love you pam! 



Thursday, May 10, 2012

I love this quote so much & I hope to repeat it to myself everyday. 
Didn't need to repeat it to myself last night because I couldn't go to sleep till
⒋30. And I am not a night owl. 
I just had so many ideas/thoughts/ & just a little bit 
of {coffee} in me to keep me stirring and to keep 
my brain from going in so many directions. 
and if you could have seen into my noggin' 
it may have looked a little like this.↑↕➠➳↗↘↟↪
 But I did ask you to return today to see my D.C. adventures I had yesterday. 
"And how much fun was it?" you ask? It was awesome. I went to breakfast with 
a neighbor friend and he not only bought my 
breakfast [so sweet], he also bought me a 
spread that tastes just like Nutella.

but a whole lot healthier.

                        So after breakfast we walked through Eastern Market 
and we were going to visit a bookstore, but
it was closed. We said our goodbyes and I walked around
I had never been up close to the Washington Monument
so I wanted to take some pictures... but you will have to
wait till tomorrow for those. But lookto see some photos
of the city. 

Fanciest water fountains I have ever seen! 
Come back tomorrow for more.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

No, I have not been kidnapped or murdered, just unemployed.

The title really says it all. 
 I am  u  n  e  m  p  l  o  y  e  d  ya'll. And it really stinks. 
But I absolutely love D.C. 
I thought I was going to blog more when I got here 
but I've just been so busy! 
I cannot believe ❷ months have flown by {and two months of no blogging! }
May I add that meeting new people, eating good food, seeing/doing fun things, IS a lot of work.  :) 

But let me be clear that job hunting is hard work too.
Not that you didn't know that already,
But it has put a lot of things into perspective for me. 
I've always known that finding your 
dream career in a first job is a somewhat implausible 
fascination; however, 
(I hope I'm not the only one when I say this) 
I thought maybe, just MAYBE, it'll happen for me. 
I've realized that people really do want to help you 
and I'm truly grateful for every new face I meet & the
kind words that they say and help they give. I have an 
amazing opportunity right now and I don't want to regret
not giving it my all.  
Thoughts, prayers, positive energy, wisdom or anything else
 for me,my job search and my life's direction are extremely appreciated.

Come back tomorrow to see the adventures I went on today!
