Thursday, May 10, 2012

I love this quote so much & I hope to repeat it to myself everyday. 
Didn't need to repeat it to myself last night because I couldn't go to sleep till
⒋30. And I am not a night owl. 
I just had so many ideas/thoughts/ & just a little bit 
of {coffee} in me to keep me stirring and to keep 
my brain from going in so many directions. 
and if you could have seen into my noggin' 
it may have looked a little like this.↑↕➠➳↗↘↟↪
 But I did ask you to return today to see my D.C. adventures I had yesterday. 
"And how much fun was it?" you ask? It was awesome. I went to breakfast with 
a neighbor friend and he not only bought my 
breakfast [so sweet], he also bought me a 
spread that tastes just like Nutella.

but a whole lot healthier.

                        So after breakfast we walked through Eastern Market 
and we were going to visit a bookstore, but
it was closed. We said our goodbyes and I walked around
I had never been up close to the Washington Monument
so I wanted to take some pictures... but you will have to
wait till tomorrow for those. But lookto see some photos
of the city. 

Fanciest water fountains I have ever seen! 
Come back tomorrow for more.



  1. and who is this neighbor fellow???? inquiring minds want to know!

  2. Meg, thanks for your comment on the blog, love your pictures and glad you are enjoying DC (I'm from the area:). Cheers! (And I'm doing a giveaway at the blog if you're interested:)


  3. Hey Heather!
    thanks for checking out my blog! how random you are from the d.c., I love it here! thanks for letting me know about the giveaway, i will for sure check it out!

